ADLG Game - Patrician Romans V Patrician Romans
I managed to make it out to play a re-learning game of ADLG last Friday with my mate Paul. I call it “re-learning” because I played a decent amount of the last edition but only played v4 once. I forgot how fun and easy of a system it is - very easy to pick back up with minimal fuss.
NOVA Recap
I spent Saturday and Sunday at the NOVA Open in Washington DC this weekend!
Age of Sigmar 3.0 Impressions
Awhile ago I got my spouse to do a demo of Age of Sigmar 2.0 at my FLGS. She enjoyed it enough that I started working on an army for her “on the side” (naturally she chose Daughters of Khaine, bikini murder elves being very appealing after all). I play Tzeentch Daemons in 40k so already “have” an AoS army, I added a few bits and bobs to give it more fantasy “flavor”.
Heresy Hobby Update
Phew another month without a post! Sorry about that - things have been rather crazy. After an unfortunate shipping delay my heresy order arrived and I’ve carved through a good bit of it. My initial 2k Ultramarines list looks like this:
Ultramarines For Me!
So, the box is ordered, the 3d printer is churning of Rhino’s, and I have changed legions.
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