Pre-Orders Saturday!
Heresy 2.0 heads for pre-order today!
Legion Chosen! And the winner is...
After a lot of investigating, reading lore, looking at rules leaks, and watching painting videos I’ve at last picked a Legion for the new edition of the Horus Heresy.
How to Choose a Legion (or not) for the Horus Heresy
Why oh why must the Horus Heresy be so cool?
Tempest of War Deck Flip (Shuffle?) Through And Thoughts
So, I’ve made no secret that I am generally not a fan of Warhammer 9th edition. I really liked 8th and think the streamlining of the rules was mostly a good thing (though I am nostalgic for blast templates and vehicle facing, but apparently the new Horus Heresy edition has got me covered there). I have no real issue with any of 9th’s core mechanics changes, or the list building (though I did prefer 8th ed style detachments I understand why they moved the way that they did and do like the focus on monofaction instead of ‘goodstuff’ soup lists) - my main complete are the “GT style” missions and secondary objectives everyone in my local meta loves to use so much.
Instagram is hobby progress right?
Its been a bit quiet here, I’ve had a rough few weeks between kiddo and work stuff.
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