• SU-76 Sliced To Finished - Painting Tutorial Part One

    With my SU-76 primed, its now time to get the base colors on. The primer I went with basically handles the green - from here its just blocking in details and adding highlighting to the green to make it less flat. I like a pretty heavily weathered look to my Soviet vehicles so I work towards that look even before getting to the official “weathering” step. Here is a quick walkthrough of the steps I took:

  • SU-76 Sliced To Finished -Clean Up Through Priming

    Made some really great progress on the SU-76

  • Loving the Hobby From A Distance

    My Life in the Hobby Then, Now, and Future

    So first two caveats - despite the title this is NOT (strictly) a COVID-19 related post! There will also be like, a lot of feelings in this rather long post. With those disclaimers out of the way, let’s begin!

  • SU-76 Sliced To Finished -Vehicle Print Complete!

    With no chances for thunderstorms today I popped my freshly sliced SU-76 (model from here, I highly recommend this creator I’ve printed many good things from this creator) onto the printer after getting the toddler’s morning started.

  • SU-76 Sliced to Finished series is coming!!

    Welcome to the first in a hopefully regular series of me taking a 3d model that is sliced and ready to print (I am not the best person to talk about supporting/3d printing prep process, lots of better resources on YouTube)

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