• Eagles of Empire Franco Prussian War Starter Set Review

    A few weeks ago I had a bit of an accident on the Eagles of Empire website. I’ve followed this company for awhile as I liked the look of the models and find the period really interesting (the Franco-Prussian War was in many ways one of the first modern wars). Particularly, the uniforms are absolutely ace - both sides are gorgeously colorful and very striking on the gaming table. I was a bit put off by it being a skirmish game but slowly came round to the idea through watching Real Time History’s excellent series “Glory and Defeat” - a week by week accounting of the war (seriously go check it out, all the stuff Real Time History and The Great War puts out is fantastic). I never quite realized how many “small” actions there were and how even the larger battles at the war’s start could be broken down into smaller “moments”. A few clicks and weeks later a box showed up at my post office containing the starter set - two bags of French and Prussian line infantry along with the Infantry Drill Book (which can be called the basic rulebook).

  • Divisions Of Steel Read Through - First Impressions

    I’ve made no secret that I am not really a fan of Flames of War V3. In a lot of ways this has more to do with me as a gamer than the ruleset itself - doing some introspection I’ve come to realize I prefer less “tournament” systems and like my wargaming a bit more social (less cutthroat) and historical focused. At the same time, I do enjoy good mechanics and competitive games “lend” themselves to tight systems. That’s why I was very excited to see Simon Hall’s Divisions Of Steel - a WWII ruleset that aims to achieve the “silver bullet” combination of historical accuracy, playability, and Fun at the company/btn level.

  • Revolutionary French - New Project!

    Just a quick update today - some of the local crowd have gone into Black Powder V2 for the Napoleonic period in 28mm. I was not keen on the first edition but after getting a demo last weekend I am happy to say the main issue (infinite movement if you roll well) is gone!

  • 3d Breed French Infantry Review

    To compliment my French armor, I picked up some STL’s from 3DBreed. I wanted to do up a review on the files, the printing experience, and how they painted up. Specifically I purchased this pack - at 30 euro this was not the cheapest set of files I’ve ever obtained but it did come with a good variety.

  • WW2 French Armor Gallery

    Working on WW2 French inspired me to put together a little gallery of the stuff I’ve printed and painted so far. These are all from Mbergman.

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