Returning to the Wellspring - Giving V4 FoW Another Look
So. I’ve complained, whined, whinged, and badmouthed FoW V4 plenty on this blog. My club played a ton of V2 and a METRIC TON of v3. When v4 came out - it basically killed the game for my local group. Nobody liked the force selection, the smoke rules were a huge turn off, and (most critically I think) those first books were just BLAND.
Return to the Blog!
BLAH 5 months again without a post - I’m really bad at keeping this thing up to date.
Kill Team Project
Just a quick update, I finally got to try the current edition of Kill Team. I like it for the most part - though I HATE that they went with symbols instead of inches (GW what were you thinking). The game is thematic and not hard to pick up (had time to play three games in one evening and was playing the full experience with tacops/objectives in the third game).
“Night Goblins! - AAR!”
It’s been almost a month since I posted anything - I’ve barely had time to think!
Night Goblins!
Boy once again its been a MINUTE since I posted anything. Life is just too dang busy.
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