BLAH 5 months again without a post - I’m really bad at keeping this thing up to date.

But thats pretty typical for summer, the long days and warm weather lead to a jam-packed schedule. I had planned to get back into blogging at the end of July but then everyone in my household got sick for a month (like “can’t get out of bed - multiple trips to urgent care - steroids for chest congestion” sick - like seriously that is the sickest I have ever been, wasn’t COVID but was way worse).

Finally though everyone is healthy again and I have a break in the rigorous schedule of parenting (that sweet spot between summer and the insane holiday season).

On to wargaming topics!

I’ve pretty much landed on The Old World as my gaming system of choice. I did go to Richmond Open way back in the spring and had an….ok time. Most of my opponents were great, I just don’t competitive. Too much pressure and its too hard to be away from home for events for multiple days (even being away for one day is alot…I ended up skipping the 2nd day).

Richmond Open Army

Theres the army I took - Night Goblin theme. I’m less in love with playing it than I am looking at it - the huge blocks are very hard to move around and not as durable as you’d expect (they explode, I mean literally explode, if hit with First Charge as their pants leadership means they usually flee). Its still OK and I mat return to Greenskins at some point.

BUT that being said even though I don’t really enjoy events I am loving the system - its not perfect charge and win is a bit of a problem especially with cav - but playing casual friendly lists gives a good and fun game every time. I’ve yet to have a game outside of competitive events that I haven’t enjoyed end to end. The list building is fun and deep (magic items, banners, right in the childhood :D ) and the hobby is stellar - square based regiments are just a blast to put together. Now that we’ve played several games there isnt too much difficulty finishing a game in a club night - we only occasionally run into weird rules scenarios that we normally just agree to handle then look up after now.

I’m in the process of putting together Chaos Dwarves - which are almost done, just a few units left to paint. I’ve settled on Wood Elves as my 2025 army project (mostly “elf” with a scattering of “treekin”) - lush forest bases will be a fun jump from my desolate lava bases featured on the Sons of Hashtut!


I enjoy playing the chaos dwarves much more than the OnG - smaller more disciplined units fits my playstyle a bit better and I love all the shooting and crazy warmachines.


This thing was my favorite part of the army to paint.


My favorite core unit - not bad in combat and a good decent ranged shot


The Bull Centuars are a crazy unit to use - I give mine GWs and go ham with em.

I’m finishing up the hobgoblin chaff and then adding a unit of Black Orcs then I plan to take the end of the year to do up terrain for a fantasy table. Hopefully it wont take me five months to post again!