Just a quick update today - some of the local crowd have gone into Black Powder V2 for the Napoleonic period in 28mm. I was not keen on the first edition but after getting a demo last weekend I am happy to say the main issue (infinite movement if you roll well) is gone!

I wanted to get in on the “band camp” action but since I get to play so rarely and suffer from “snowflake” syndrome (I MUST BE UNIQUE!!!) I wanted to do something “weird”. I was torn between Ottomans and Revolutionary French (as in, the First Coalition, the army of the amalgamee).

You’ve probably noticed I am a bit of a Francophile so it was an easy choice. I’ve just placed an order from Emperor Toad for a demi-brigade and some cannon to get started. I am particularly keen on painting the whitecoats - that French uniform is delightful and should look striking next to the ragamuffin volunteer types.

Thanks for reading and look forward to a post about my experience working with those figures when they arrive!